OWLS (ii) Chinmay Madhukar Gupte PublicationsChinmay M. Gupte26: Jaggard M, Gupte CM , Reilly P (2008). A review of sternoclavicular joint dislocation. J Trauma, in press. 25: Borrill J, Gupte CM , Porteus A, Seddon-Porteous J, Morris H. Cold fluid irrigation during arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction-a randomised controlled study. JBJS Br, in press. 24: Amadi H, Gupte CM , Lie D, McDermott ID, Amis AA, Bull AMJ. Meniscofemoral ligaments reduce tibiofemoral contact pressure. J Biomechanics, in press. 23: Gupte CM ,Bull AMJ, Murray R, Amis AA (2007) Comparative anatomy of the meniscofemoral ligament in humans and some domestic mammals. Anat Histol Embryol. 36(1):47-52. 22: Gupte CM , Atkinson HD, Bull AMJ, Thomas RD, Strachan RK, Amis AA (2006) Arthroscopic appearances of the meniscofemoral ligaments. Introducing the “meniscal tug test”. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 14(12):1259-65. 21: Amis AA, Gupte CM , Bull AM, Edwards A (2006)Anatomy of the posterior cruciate ligament and the meniscofemoral ligaments. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy 14(3):257-63. 20: Gupte CM , Bull AMJ, Thomas RD, Amis AA (2003) The meniscofemoral ligaments: secondary restraints to posterior drawer. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 85-B:765-773. 19: McDermott ID, Sharifi F, Bull AMJ, Gupte CM , Thomas RD, Amis AA (2003). An anatomical study of meniscal allograft sizing. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy (accepted 11/02). 18: Amis AA, Bull AM, Gupte CM , Hijazi I, Race A, Robinson JR (2003). Biomechanics of the PCL and related structures: posterolateral, posteromedial and meniscofemoral ligaments. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 11(5): 271-281. 17: Gupte CM , Bull AMJ, Thomas RD, Amis AA (2003) A review of the function and biomechanics of the meniscofemoral ligaments. Arthroscopy 19;(2):161–171. 16: Gupte CM , Jeevan D, Bull AMJ, Amis AA (2003) The meniscofemoral ligament. Contribution to anteroposterior and rotatory laxity in the ovine stifle. Veterinary Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 16:26-31 15: Gupte CM , Smith A, Bull AMJ, McDermott ID, Thomas RD, Amis AA (2002) Meniscofemoral ligaments revisited. Anatomical study, age correlation and clinical implications. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 84B: 846-851. 14: Gupte CM, Smith A, Jamieson N, Bull AMJ, Thomas RD, Amis AA (2002) Meniscofemoral ligaments. Structural and material properties. Journal of Biomechanics 35:1623-1629. 13: Atrey A, Leslie I, Carvell J, Gupte CM , Shepperd JA, Powell J, Gibb PA (2008) Standardised consent forms on the website of the British Orthopaedic Association. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 90(4):422-3. 12: Opara T, Gupte CM , Liyanage S, Paul S, Beverly MC (2007) Tuberculosis of the knee; superinfection with staphylococcus aureus. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 89(5) 664-6. 11: Liyanage S, Gupte CM , Cobb ARM, Beverly MC (2004) TB or not TB-that should be the question. International Orthopaedics online 10: Cheung YM, Gupte CM , Beverly MC (2004) Iliopsoas bursitis following total hip replacement. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 124(10):720-3. 9: Wallace AL, Alexander S, Gupte CM (2004) The unstable shoulder. Hosp Med 65(11):648-51. 8: Gupte CM , Hassan ANA, McDermott ID, Thomas RD. (2003) Patients and the Internet. [letter]. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 85(2):142-144. 7: Gupte CM , Hassan ANA. (2003) Research- is there a good time? Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 85 (3). 6: Gupte CM , DasGupta R, Beverly M. (2003) The transfibular approach for distal tibial osteochondroma: an alternative technique for excision. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 42 (2):95-98. 5: Liyanage S, Gupte CM , Cobb ARM. (2003) Skeletal tuberculosis. [letter] Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 96(9):474. 4: Gupte CM , Hassan ANA, McDermott ID, Thomas RD (2002). Patients and the Internet: friend or foe? Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 84:187-192. 3: Gupte CM (2002). Does surgery preclude the pursuit of excellence in another field? Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 84(5):163. 2: Gupte CM (2001). Reserve thy judgement. British Medical Journal 323:333. 1: McDermott ID, Hobbs C, Gupte CM , Hollingdale J (2000). Day case anterior cruciate reconstruction- a feasibility study. Journal of One Day Surgery, spring 2000 Please log in to view the content of this page. If you are having problems logging in, please refer to the login help page. |
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